Anime Roulette Script

Introducing the Anime Roulette Script, your go-to solution for automating various tasks and enhancing your anime-watching experience! Here are its features:

Features that make this Anime Roulette script so powerful

  1. Auto Farm: Automatically farm resources or complete tasks in anime-related games or simulations.
  2. Auto Roll: Effortlessly spin the roulette wheel to randomly select anime titles for you to watch.
  3. Set Auto Roll Speed: Customize the speed at which the roulette wheel spins to suit your preferences.
  4. Auto Skip: Automatically skip through intros, outros, or other repetitive segments for uninterrupted viewing.
  5. Auto Equip: Automatically equip items or gear within anime-themed games or simulations.
  6. Auto Collect Drops: Gather items or rewards dropped during gameplay without manual intervention.
  7. Auto Use Inventory Items: Automatically use items from your inventory to streamline gameplay.
  8. Set Auto Use Inv Items Speed: Adjust the speed at which inventory items are automatically used.
  9. Auto Claim Achievements: Automatically claim achievements or rewards for completing specific tasks.
  10. Instant Roll Unlock: Instantly unlock the roll feature without delays or restrictions.
  11. GUI (Graphical User Interface): Enjoy a user-friendly interface that makes navigating and using the script simple and intuitive.
  12. Auto Skip Loading: Skip through loading screens automatically for smoother gameplay.
  13. Auto Play Loading GUI: Automatically initiate gameplay or interactions once loading is complete.
  14. Quests: Engage in quests or missions within anime-themed games or simulations.
  15. Select Quest: Choose specific quests or missions to focus on.
  16. Claim Selected Quest: Automatically claim rewards upon completing selected quests.
  17. Teleports: Quickly teleport to different locations within anime-themed games or simulations.
  18. Select NPC (Non-Player Character): Choose specific NPCs to interact with or complete quests for.
  19. Teleport To Selected NPC: Instantly teleport to the location of selected NPCs for efficient quest completion.



Steps to use:

  1. Click the copy button for an auto-copy script.
  2. Use a script executor to apply the script.
  3. Run and Enjoy the game.

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